Health Surveillance
Health surveillance may not require doctors and nurses - you can do some things yourself, or train a manager or supervisor.
Doctors and nurses need only get involved when medical confidentiality is needed, or if things get complicated.
An example of health surveillance you can do yourself: Inspecting your skin for signs of dermatitis - e.g. redness, splits or cracks on your hands.
Other forms of health surveillance include:
Biological Monitoring
Monitoring of Exposure
This dose absorbed by the person is estimated by the amount of the material, or a metabolite, that is found in blood, urine or some other body media. It may also be assessed by quantifying a nonadverse biological effect related to the internal dose.
Monitoring of Effects
This attempts to detect effects arising from chemical exposure, such as altered blood characteristics, reduced lung function or respiratory or skin sensitisation. The advice of an Occupational Hygienist or Physician is best sought.
Other types of health surveillance include:
Lung Function Testing
This may be appropriate for those working with respiratory sensitisers, or with substances known to cause decreases in lung capacity - such as silica. It can also be useful as a pre-employment screen, so that you are aware of the lung status of your recruit.
Vision Screening
May be used for computer operators, company vehicle drivers or electricians who have to be able to see the colours and patterns on small electronic components. It can be useful as a pre-employment benchmark, and we can do it on your site - so no lost time going to the opticians.
This is useful to ensure that you have not taken on an employee who already has damaged hearing, when you want him to work in an area that is also noisy. You may wish to show that your operations are not causing hearing impairments by regular audiometry - especially in view of leisure noise.