Health and Safety Policies
A Health and Safety Policy Statement will normally be supported by a description of the Organisation and Arrangements that are in place to ensure that it is applied effectively.
Health and Safety policies vary greatly company to company. We can arrange a policy suitable for your individual circumstances.
Some common points your policy will include are:
- Which posts have health and safety in their job descriptions?
- Where do people go to get specialist advice ?
- Who is the Competent Person appointed by the Board ?
- What Training is needed for those with health and safety duties ?
- How will the Company treat employees whose health has been
impaired by their work ?
- What Health Surveillance is applied, both pre-employment,
during employment, and upon retirement ?
- What are the arrangements for dealing with specific hazards, e.g. noise - asbestos - legionella - Asthmagens
Please contact us to arrange help with your health and Safety policy.