Question Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

This depends upon the complexity of the job. We don't have a set hourly rate, since we prefer to calculate fixed price fees according to the resources needed on a project. Top rates tend to apply to giving evidence in Court. Overall, our fees are roughly the same as a provincial Solicitor, and you should probably think in terms of £800 per day. Long term contracts attract lower fees.

Have we got Sick Building Syndrome?

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a condition where abnormally high levels of sickness absence are associated with specific buildings. These buildings are normally air conditioned. SBS is not normally just due to temperature and air quality - social and management factors frequently interact as well. Don't be conned into counting colonies of bugs in ducts. Develop a rational approach, and eliminate the obvious problems of heat, cold, draughts and lack of environmental controls before you waste a lot of money. Call us for help.

Do you do air sampling?

Yes, but how we do it depends upon what we're looking for. If we know what to look for, it can be straightforward. If you can't help us to decide what to look for, the initial screening can be expensive. This is why we work with you to develop your air sampling programme. Unless you are in a far flung place, our initial visit is free. After that we make proposals (also free) and you can decide whether to go ahead.