About O'heal

Office desk photoO'heal has 25 years experience providing occupational hygiene services. We have experience working in the UK, Europe, North America, and Turkey amongst others.


David Asker-Browne Dip.Occ.Hyg., F.F.O.H., M.E.W.I., M.I.O.S.H., was President of the British Institute of Occupational Hygienists in 2000. Before starting O'heal in 1980, he spent 10 years at Colt ventilation, where he began his occupational hygiene training.

Tony Waldron M.F.O.H. has over 30 years experience as an occupational hygienist having worked at Triplex Glass, and as Chief Occupational Hygienist at Austin Rover, Longbridge. He has been with O'heal for 15 years.



When advising clients about occupational health, safety, and environmental affairs, we place their interests first in the provision of a reliable, cost effective service which meets their needs and expectations, the law and professional ethics.


To be given a clear explanation of any work proposed, including the consequences, alternatives and costs.

To receive regular reports on the progress of work undertaken on your behalf.

To have access to records and reports relating to the work carried out, unless subject to medical confidentiality or other agreements.

To be informed of significant noncompliance's or incompetencies detected during our activities, even though they may not form part of the agreed schedule of work.

To have all your information kept confidential and secure.


To have complaints investigated promptly.

To have complaints independently reviewed by the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene, or other appropriate professional body, if dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review.

To be notified of any anomalies in the work undertaken and the significance explained.


In the provision of services to our clients, we are bound by the Code of Ethics of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene of which all our consultants hold Corporate Membership.

As a practice of Occupational Hygienists we cover the assessment, measurement and control of workplace hazards. Our efforts are directed at assisting employers to manage factors which may compromise the health and well-being of employees, the community, or the natural environment. We have adapted our internal management systems so that we can match the Guarantee that we are offering, and have a Quality Manual which is available for client inspection. Why have we gone to this trouble? In our view, existing external Quality Assurance and Accreditation schemes do not fit well with providers of health, safety and environmental services. Furthermore, we want to distance ourselves from the growing number of organisations who are offering advice in this market, in spite of having inexperienced or unqualified staff.

Recent project work includes :

Help a GRP boat builder to comply with HSE Improvement Notice. This involved help with short term respiratory protection, ventilation system design and commissioning, air sampling and biological monitoring via urine samples

Advise on heat stress and protective clothing in a sewage tunnel under construction

Advise museum conservators on ventilation to control solvent vapour exposure

Prepare risk assessments for workers on landfill sites

Test the local exhaust ventilation system in a woodworking shop

Measure noise from a factory and assess the potential for residential nuisance to BS 4142

Certify the air in a well as suitable for repair men to enter

Develop a Health, Safety and Environmental Policy for a printing company

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